I am a deafened visual artist. I am interested in the part our senses play in creativity. I often work without my hearing aid in complete silence, and sometimes close my eyes when mark making thus working without two senses; helpfully this cuts out the 'knowing of the brain' which can get in the way of the intuitive, spontaneous creative process. I believe my deaf perspective offers a positive influence affecting colour, aesthetics and rationality enabling me to tap into my depths.
I mainly work with pastel overlaid onto acrylic and charcoal on prepared paper or board. I like the instant colour and the tactile 'hands-on' of pastel in which I can achieve dynamic and imaginative images.
I have progressed and championed Deaf and disability issues in my artwork and as a Disability Equality Trainer and Chair and Committee member of Equality and Diversity Forums. I have a passion for inclusion, accessibility and justice.
I am a practising SGI Buddhist and this humanistic philosophy, along with my background as a Counsellor working therapeutically with adults and children, inform my creative methods and goals. My art practice, therefore, consists of multi-strands which cross-pollinate one another. It is implicit in the goals of my work to aim for value creation and to find beauty, vibrancy and colour.
I live and work in Southborough, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. paulinealexanderart@gmail.com